Yulia Stwippie Ilina main photo


My name is Yulia. I'm experienced Tester and QA Engineer in web development.

I'm in love with a testing ❤️
And I like to test various web projects, from rich internet applications to simple web pages, find bugs and problems in order to help companies make their products better. I strongly believe that people deserve flawless experience with any digital product.
Also, I'm eagerly learning some programming languages (JS, Swift) and acquiring knowledge about front-end and back-end development worlds.

In my work-life balance "work" time to time comes first, but to be honest I always able to find time for my hobbies and well-being activities: singing, ballet classes, sports and learning foreign languages.


I always had a passion for computers and IT. At the middle school I attended special course of computer science for school students. It wasn't too hard for me, but during the course I realized that I wanted to learn more. When I graduated from school I went to Moscow and started work, I didn't have enough money to study at university, but I finished basic course of web coding and took some knowledge about HTML and CSS. Since then I've been slowly improving my skills in web technologies, as my workfield was quite far from IT. In 2013 I got my first position as junior tester. My colleagues helped me to grow up as a QA specialist and introduced me world of automation testing. Now I have great skills of testing and coding autotests with JS. I have strong background in basics of web development. I've been working as a QA already My goals is still in improving my coding and testing skills, as I want to be more efficient and proficient.

There is a list of projects I worked for:

Evolution (ex EvolutionGaming), 2018-present

High load casino games platform.
Here I'm one of experienced QA Engineer in one of valuable company products. Fully immersed in development process with testing of FE, BE features, increasing coverage and maintaining autotests on integration and e2e levels (JS, Webdriver.io, Cucumber).

Woman.ru, 2016-2018

Web portal for women with forum and online magazine.
Stack and features: PHP as back-end, SQL as data base, JS (jQuery, Vanilla.js) as front-end. Project is high load and had some legacy and technical debt to deal with. Project had desktop and mobile views.
In this project I was in charge of project's releases, monitoring logs, analytics and regression testing. Also I was coding autotests with using Selenium + Cucumber(Java).

Woman's Day (Wday.ru), 2015-2016

Online magazine and web portal for women.
Stack and features: PHP as back-end, SQL as data base, JS (jQuery, Vanilla.js) as front-end. This is a high load project, so we always had a goal in a load time optimization. Project had desktop and mobile views.
In this project I was in charge of project's releases, monitoring logs and everyday regression testing.

Zachetka.ru, 2014

Social network for students.
Stack and features: PHP as back-end, MongoDB as data base, JS (jQuery, Vanilla.js) as front-end. Project used Web-sockets and realtime updates on client.
I worked for this project only three months (and unfortunately project was closed in short time after), but I had an awesome experience of working in a strong Agile team. In this project I went on with writing autotests, we used autotests to facilitate regression testing. Also I covered some gaps in writing test plans and check-lists.

Webeffector.ru, 2013-2015

Web application for SEO and SMM promotion.
Stack and features: Java as back-end, SQL & MongoDB as data bases, JS (jQuery, Backbone) as front-end. Project had its own billing with complicated maths and transactions.
I had my first position in IT as Junior Tester specialist here. In short time I became in charge of project's releases, coding autotests, making mockups for designers, distributing tasks among developers, and was proactive team member.

Skills and experience

  • HTML/CSS - basics
  • JavaScript - basics
  • jQuery - selectors only
  • Selenium - can deploy and run on remote server
  • Testing frameworks and methodologies - WebDriver IO, mocha, chai, Protractor, Cucumber
  • Git - basics
  • SQL, MongoDB - can write simple queries in command line (but prefer to use GUI for it)
  • Can work with terminal (and know how to exit vim ツ)
  • Have an idea of how client-server applications work
  • Can manage problems with test environment, settings, coding on my own
  • Had an experience with writing project's Wiki and FAQ
  • Can draw mockups with Sketchapp/Balsamiq/Ninjamock
  • Have an idea about UX/UI, can predict user's problems
  • I'm good not only in finding bugs but always try to find a root cause of issue
  • Had an experience in designing mobile view for web application
  • Had a bit of experience as PM in a small project
  • Used task managers: Jira, Redmine, Kanbantool, TargetProcess, Trello, Basecamp
  • Can use Jenkins for CI
  • Can use Zabbix, Graylog, Grafana for monitoring and logs
  • Can use k8s (kubernetes) dashboard for app management
  • Not afraid of information load, can immerse in project in short term

Portfolio links

I never stop practicing with coding, so, there is my tiny portfolio.


I prefer Telegram for chatting, follow this link @stwippie to PM me.

Also you can use an email stwippie@gmail.com

And, of course, links of my pages in social networks and GitHub: